Floors are subject to the greatest wear & tear. Nico Epoxy Floor Coatings are durable, long-lasting, and easily cleanable chemical resistant. NICO products are available in varying thicknesses, customized according to your needs of medium/heavy loads, or extraordinary chemical resistance, s, Nico Epoxy Floor Coatings has a solution for every floor. It is ideal for Industries, Hospitals, restaurants, Parking lots, Clean Rooms, Warehouses, etc. Nico Epoxy Floor Coatings is the right choice.
If you want to improve your factory image during customer audits and visits?
If you want to provide an attractive and healthy working environment to your workers?
Planning to install floor paint but now sure which type to choose?
We are here to help you with the best flooring solution.
Self-Levelling Epoxy Floor paint provides a super beautiful surface and is long-lasting for over 10 years without fading. It is dust-proof, anti-slip, Easy-To-Clean. Dense compact surface, chemical resistant, and resistant to many types of acids and alkali.

Unico products can take you

This ⬇

To This ⬇

What is 5s?

5s  is the practice of Good Housekeeping. The principles of 5S originated from five Japanese words: (Seiri)(Seiton)(Seiso)(Seiketsu)(Shitsuke), which have been translated into English roughly as ‘Sort’, ‘Set in Order’, ‘Shine’, ‘Standardize’, and ‘Sustain’.5S was developed in Japan So that it is also known as the Japanese concept of “FIVE-S”.


This means segregation. Dirt, dust, rubbish, and all unwanted wastes or material should be collected and segregated first.


There should be an effective arrangement of safe disposal of segregated wastes. This also includes preventive ‘ arrangements such as local exhaust ventilation, dust collectors, vacuum cleaners, guards, covers, and devices to reduce noise, vibration, leakage, spillage, etc.


The main activity of good housekeeping is cleaning. It includes cleaning of floors, walls, ceiling, sanitary and welfare facilities, parts of plant and machinery, PPE and other equipment, tools, lighting fixtures, lamps, tubes, etc.


This suggests compliance with statutory provisions and national or international standards for safety, quality, cleanliness, and environment.


This indicates the duty of everybody to follow rules, regulations, instructions, notices, orders, appeals, etc for maintaining good housekeeping and safety.